How Can Businesses Use Livestreaming?

If you operate a business, whether it’s brick and mortar or based at home, you probably want more customers. (We all do, right?!)

And think for a moment about your ideal customer. What would they be like?

In this video post, I cover the ways businesses can use livestreaming to build raving fans and loyal customers.

How are you planning to use livestreaming? Leave me a comment!

I’m Kerry Shearer, "The Livestream Expert." I'm a communications and broadcast professional based in Sacramento, CA, specializing in live streaming, social media, web video and emergency communications. I’m a national conference speaker, workshop presenter, and a social media trainer and coach for businesses, entrepreneurs and public agencies. I thrive on helping organizations and individuals create compelling content, reach and connect with their audiences, and successfully grow their influence!

I am also available to be on scene with brands or organizations during major events or promotions to host or coordinate their live streaming broadcasts on Periscope and Facebook using the latest technology, apps and effective approaches.